Sunday, December 28, 2008

2 videotapes

Customer: [Krutov] [A].[L]. (guppy)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: [Zdrastvuyte] to 100 USD. 1.[V] the presence of 5 videotapes. Short, each of seconds on ***. They must be glued together beautifully and placed music. Sense of rollers in the demonstration of the capability of equipment. 2. in the presence one roller. To cut where is necessary. To add music and graphic symbols and inscription. (demonstration of the correct use of a product). For example, shows action in the clip and appears inscription [komentiruyushchaya] this action. Plus, at the end, the list of recommendations. Period of 2 days. Payment is bank or [yandeks] of money.http: / / / projects / 89076.html

2 videotapes

Customer: [Krutov] [A].[L]. (guppy)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: [Zdrastvuyte] to 100 USD. 1.[V] the presence of 5 videotapes. Short, each of seconds on ***. They must be glued together beautifully and placed music. Sense of rollers in the demonstration of the capability of equipment. 2. in the presence one roller. To cut where is necessary. To add music and graphic symbols and inscription. (demonstration of the correct use of a product). For example, shows action in the clip and appears inscription [komentiruyushchaya] this action. Plus, at the end, the list of recommendations. Period of 2 days. Payment is bank or [yandeks] of money.http: / / / projects / 89076.html

Friday, December 26, 2008

To make the animation

Customer: [Myagkov] Ivan (heyvany)
Category: Animation, the banners
Budget: ? To make an animation, is in detail in the application. [Smaylik] I will give, I will say text.http: / / / projects / 88891.html

To make the animation

Customer: [Myagkov] Ivan (heyvany)
Category: Animation, the banners
Budget: ? To make an animation, is in detail in the application. [Smaylik] I will give, I will say text.http: / / / projects / 88891.html

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Customer: Shahin Of hadjikuliev (djamag)
Category: Audio/videotapes, [Multimedia] of the presentation
Budget: ? It is necessary to [skompelit] videotape (approximately 7 minutes) from video material. preference to Moscow [frilanseram] so that it would be possible to be encountered to have a talk, to explain. The presence of works is desirablehttp: / / / projects / 88643.html

the development of a series of animations with the characters

Customer: Hizer Of faster (3224)
Category: Animation
Budget: 250 USD regards! I search for artist -[animatora], for developing the series of animations with the characters. ICQ: ***http: / / / projects / 88666.html

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Optimization of the Flash- game

Customer: [Mityashin] Vladislav (nchnchnch)
Category: Flash, is other
Budget: ? It is necessary to optimize the play slot, made on Flesch. Here is the reference: http: // brbgn8ids in the archive three [skompilennykh] [fleshki] and [iskhodnik]. unt1.swf - it revolves one drum of unt2.swf - revolves two drums of unt3.swf - it revolves three drums Of untitled-1__.fla - [Iskhodnik] the task: So that with 30 FPS three drums would twist themselves with the same speed as one drum, also, with a change in the size of window with the [fleshkoy], speed did not change. [Iskhodnik] for Adobe Of flash CS4, ActionScript 3.0, [pleer] is used to version 10. animation it is written to ActionScript, [taymlayny] are not used.http: / / / projects / 88191.html

To make captions to the roller.

Customer: Andrey (Whistle)
Category: Audio/videotapes, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to make captions in the Russian to the musical clip. How much can cost a concept I do not have.http: / / / projects / 88236.html

Monday, December 22, 2008

To make captions to the roller.

Customer: Andrey (Whistle)
Category: Audio/videotapes, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to make captions in the Russian to the musical clip. How much can cost a concept I do not have.http: / / / projects / 88236.html

It is necessary to place on the site the record player of [mp]4 and flv

Customer: Salimli Of ramil (saharas)
Category: Flash, the audio/videotapes
Budget: 20 USD write in [asku] of ***. There is a site, necessary to place [pleer] that would lose [mp]4 size. Is [pleer] like is supported [mp]4 size but materials from the site from where I I take not [vosproizvodyatsya].[Nekotorye] they are lost and some [net].[Srochnost] until today, the budget of 20$http: / / / projects / 88167.html

Optimization of the Flash- game

Customer: [Mityashin] Vladislav (nchnchnch)
Category: Flash, is other
Budget: ? It is necessary to optimize the play slot, made on Flesch. Here is the reference: http: // brbgn8ids in the archive three [skompilennykh] [fleshki] and [iskhodnik]. unt1.swf - it revolves one drum of unt2.swf - revolves two drums of unt3.swf - it revolves three drums Of untitled-1__.fla - [Iskhodnik] the task: So that with 30 FPS three drums would twist themselves with the same speed as one drum, also, with a change in the size of window with the [fleshkoy], speed did not change. [Iskhodnik] for Adobe Of flash CS4, ActionScript 3.0, [pleer] is used to version 10. animation it is written to ActionScript, [taymlayny] are not used.http: / / / projects / 88191.html

Optimization of the Flash- game

Customer: [Mityashin] Vladislav (nchnchnch)
Category: Flash, is other
Budget: ? It is necessary to optimize the play slot, made on Flesch. Here is the reference: http: // brbgn8ids in the archive three [skompilennykh] [fleshki] and [iskhodnik]. unt1.swf - it revolves one drum of unt2.swf - revolves two drums of unt3.swf - it revolves three drums Of untitled-1__.fla - [Iskhodnik] the task: So that with 30 FPS three drums would twist themselves with the same speed as one drum, also, with a change in the size of window with the [fleshkoy], speed did not change. [Iskhodnik] for Adobe Of flash CS4, ActionScript 3.0, [pleer] is used to version 10. animation it is written to ActionScript, [taymlayny] are not used.http: / / / projects / 88191.html

It is necessary to place on the site the record player of [mp]4 and flv

Customer: Salimli Of ramil (saharas)
Category: Flash, the audio/videotapes
Budget: 20 USD write in [asku] of ***. There is a site, necessary to place [pleer] that would lose [mp]4 size. Is [pleer] like is supported [mp]4 size but materials from the site from where I I take not [vosproizvodyatsya].[Nekotorye] they are lost and some [net].[Srochnost] until today, the budget of 20$http: / / / projects / 88167.html

Video are the roller of the framework

Customer: Stupnizky Of grigory (Ya_Grisha)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: 100 USD it is necessary to draw with video roller. from the night sky appears skipping on the dragon at the dragon [obnazhennaya] girl (far away). The coach is attached to the dragon. when girl on the dragon is moved to the foreground, girl and dragon are converted into 2 clusters of energy (well for example red and dark-blue or something similar), and coach is transformed into the framework (about it in more detail in the correspondence). after in all these clusters of energy fly into the framework, [razdaetsya] thunder (gnashing), and from the aqueous wheels on the angles of the framework (as it is said earlier about them in more detail) begins to flow water, when noise of water and gnashing is mixed up into united noise, dark sky (inside the framework) disperses by shutters.http: / / / projects / 88078.html

Video are the roller of the framework

Customer: Stupnizky Of grigory (Ya_Grisha)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: 100 USD it is necessary to draw with video roller. from the night sky appears skipping on the dragon at the dragon [obnazhennaya] girl (far away). The coach is attached to the dragon. when girl on the dragon is moved to the foreground, girl and dragon are converted into 2 clusters of energy (well for example red and dark-blue or something similar), and coach is transformed into the framework (about it in more detail in the correspondence). after in all these clusters of energy fly into the framework, [razdaetsya] thunder (gnashing), and from the aqueous wheels on the angles of the framework (as it is said earlier about them in more detail) begins to flow water, when noise of water and gnashing is mixed up into united noise, dark sky (inside the framework) disperses by shutters.http: / / / projects / 88078.html

Video are the roller of the framework

Customer: Stupnizky Of grigory (Ya_Grisha)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: 100 USD it is necessary to draw with video roller. from the night sky appears skipping on the dragon at the dragon [obnazhennaya] girl (far away). The coach is attached to the dragon. when girl on the dragon is moved to the foreground, girl and dragon are converted into 2 clusters of energy (well for example red and dark-blue or something similar), and coach is transformed into the framework (about it in more detail in the correspondence). after in all these clusters of energy fly into the framework, [razdaetsya] thunder (gnashing), and from the aqueous wheels on the angles of the framework (as it is said earlier about them in more detail) begins to flow water, when noise of water and gnashing is mixed up into united noise, dark sky (inside the framework) disperses by shutters.http: / / / projects / 88078.html

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Finished Flesch- headpiece for the site of real estate

Customer: Medvedev Vladislav (medved)
Category: Flash, the animation
Budget: ? To the period of the development of site is necessary the temporary Flesch- headpiece of any size as the silencer to the page. Any [stsenka] connected with real estate (circlings the what- thread of buildings, the change of [intrerov]/of [ekstrerov], the main thing of [podinamichney]) and to [vkontse] to [vrisovat] the appearance of [urla] of site. Unique development is not necessary since the cheaper, the better. Desirably [burzhunetovskaya], t to site is Russian-language (in order to decrease the probability to meet double). As the version of [fleshka] from the what- thread of [monstrovskogo] [templeyta] or any other library. Answer to the tender strictly in the form: reference to the roller + the pricehttp: / / / projects / 87998.html

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Consultation on wowza of media of server

Customer: Andrey [Efimov] (osterok)
Category: Audio/videotapes, the Web- programming
Budget: ? Searches for man for the consultation on the technologies of wowza of media of server and Amazon Of elastic Of compute Of cloud (EC2). There are several paid questions.http: / / / projects / 87341.html

Consultation on wowza of media of server

Customer: Andrey [Efimov] (osterok)
Category: Audio/videotapes, the Web- programming
Budget: ? Searches for man for the consultation on the technologies of wowza of media of server and Amazon Of elastic Of compute Of cloud (EC2). There are several paid questions.http: / / / projects / 87341.html

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

To select videotapes and to fill with them division (2)

Customer: Smirnov Vladimir (lolik80)
Category: [Kontent]- management, the audio/videotapes
Budget: 100 USD is required man for the search and the load to [videoportal] of new rollers. Requirements for the rollers and the load: 1) the rollers of high quality. 2) introduction is the minimum of 3-4 tags to the roller, name. Description is optional. 3) the thorough selection of videotapes on the interests to our [auditorii].[Ne] [porno] etcetera the illegal content. 4) roller [otsustvuet] on [videoportale]. 5) the load through the site! Payment for each roller - 0.25$ the minimum volume of works - 100$. Payment for fact after checking, it is possible through the safe transaction. Preference there will be to executor, who will be nearer to the interests of users older than 40 years! And on them respectively it is necessary to orient [videokontent].http: / / / projects / 82817.html

Installation Of red5.

Customer: Ershov Nikolai (nyershov)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? Project personally for vicfrommogilev is required installation and tuning of the [media]- server Of red5, connection and tuning the client part of the system of flow video, whose basis it must compose legally utilized flash-[pleer] with the possibility of unwinding into entire screen. [Pleer] must know how to reproduce both the flow video in the regime of live and preliminarily recorded videotapes in the size for flv.[Takzhe] it is necessary tuning final user interface (HTML or php- pages) and direct realization of the translation of live- video of flow with tuning of the parameters of quality.http: / / / projects / 87130.html

Monday, December 15, 2008

Personal project for Wind Of wings (wind-wings)

Customer: [Kovshun] Dmitriy (Arhaim)
Category: Animation
Budget: 70 USD is required [mult] according to the scenariohttp: / / / projects / 87038.html

It is necessary to cut the sound

Customer: Yaroslav (mmprj)
Category: Sonification, the audio/videotapes
Budget: ? It is necessary to cut sound, rough record of approximately 8 hours, until accurately not clearly, it is yet finished, it is necessary to cut to 900 small files. File with the text and sonic files is allowed, them it is possible to [skachat] through it [inet], on the periods of one-two days. The budget of 2000 r. to take up work is possible at any time.http: / / / projects / 87049.html

Personal project for Wind Of wings (wind-wings)

Customer: [Kovshun] Dmitriy (Arhaim)
Category: Animation
Budget: 70 USD is required [mult] according to the scenariohttp: / / / projects / 87038.html

It is necessary to cut the sound

Customer: Yaroslav (mmprj)
Category: Sonification, the audio/videotapes
Budget: ? It is necessary to cut sound, rough record of approximately 8 hours, until accurately not clearly, it is yet finished, it is necessary to cut to 900 small files. File with the text and sonic files is allowed, them it is possible to [skachat] through it [inet], on the periods of one-two days. The budget of 2000 r. to take up work is possible at any time.http: / / / projects / 87049.html

It is necessary to cut the sound

Customer: Yaroslav (mmprj)
Category: Sonification, the audio/videotapes
Budget: ? It is necessary to cut sound, rough record of approximately 8 hours, until accurately not clearly, it is yet finished, it is necessary to cut to 900 small files. File with the text and sonic files is allowed, them it is possible to [skachat] through it [inet], on the periods of one-two days. The budget of 2000 r. to take up work is possible at any time.http: / / / projects / 87049.html

Friday, December 12, 2008

2d [animirovannyy] knight + the static backgrounds

Customer: [Nozhnin] Dmitriy (WildMaN666)
Category: Figures/of illustration, the animation
Budget: 100 USD is necessary FOR GIF the [animirovannyy] stepping knight, with the size approximately of 75[kh]75 of pixels, and about eight static PNG of the background [taylyashchikhsya] pictures of 200 pixels into the height. More detailed TZ and a technological example - in [attachakh]. It is desirable so that the executor would have a work experience on computer games, or at least it was well familiar, this will simplify task. Subsequently there will be the orders for the new backgrounds and the new characters. Period weakened, to the end of the month. Payment of 100WMZ or by rubles for course, *[bez] of [predoplaty]*, after the inspection of result.http: / / / projects / 86626.html

2d [animirovannyy] knight + the static backgrounds

Customer: [Nozhnin] Dmitriy (WildMaN666)
Category: Figures/of illustration, the animation
Budget: 100 USD is necessary FOR GIF the [animirovannyy] stepping knight, with the size approximately of 75[kh]75 of pixels, and about eight static PNG of the background [taylyashchikhsya] pictures of 200 pixels into the height. More detailed TZ and a technological example - in [attachakh]. It is desirable so that the executor would have a work experience on computer games, or at least it was well familiar, this will simplify task. Subsequently there will be the orders for the new backgrounds and the new characters. Period weakened, to the end of the month. Payment of 100WMZ or by rubles for course, *[bez] of [predoplaty]*, after the inspection of result.http: / / / projects / 86626.html

2d [animirovannyy] knight + the static backgrounds

Customer: [Nozhnin] Dmitriy (WildMaN666)
Category: Figures/of illustration, the animation
Budget: 100 USD is necessary FOR GIF the [animirovannyy] stepping knight, with the size approximately of 75[kh]75 of pixels, and about eight static PNG of the background [taylyashchikhsya] pictures of 200 pixels into the height. More detailed TZ and a technological example - in [attachakh]. It is desirable so that the executor would have a work experience on computer games, or at least it was well familiar, this will simplify task. Subsequently there will be the orders for the new backgrounds and the new characters. Period weakened, to the end of the month. Payment of 100WMZ or by rubles for course, *[bez] of [predoplaty]*, after the inspection of result.http: / / / projects / 86626.html

2d [animirovannyy] knight + the static backgrounds

Customer: [Nozhnin] Dmitriy (WildMaN666)
Category: Figures/of illustration, the animation
Budget: 100 USD is necessary FOR GIF the [animirovannyy] stepping knight, with the size approximately of 75[kh]75 of pixels, and about eight static PNG of the background [taylyashchikhsya] pictures of 200 pixels into the height. More detailed TZ and a technological example - in [attachakh]. It is desirable so that the executor would have a work experience on computer games, or at least it was well familiar, this will simplify task. Subsequently there will be the orders for the new backgrounds and the new characters. Period weakened, to the end of the month. Payment of 100WMZ or by rubles for course, *[bez] of [predoplaty]*, after the inspection of result.http: / / / projects / 86626.html

Thursday, December 11, 2008

10 videotapes are required

Customer: Horror Vyacheslav (Pa6oTHu4er)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: to 100 USD urgently are required 10 rollers (size -AVI, MPEG, good!!! quality), on which is present the herd of sheep. Proposals into [lichku]. (price it is indicated for all rollers)http: / / / projects / 86351.html

10 videotapes are required

Customer: Horror Vyacheslav (Pa6oTHu4er)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: to 100 USD urgently are required 10 rollers (size -AVI, MPEG, good!!! quality), on which is present the herd of sheep. Proposals into [lichku]. (price it is indicated for all rollers)http: / / / projects / 86351.html

10 videotapes are required

Customer: Horror Vyacheslav (Pa6oTHu4er)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: to 100 USD urgently are required 10 rollers (size -AVI, MPEG, good!!! quality), on which is present the herd of sheep. Proposals into [lichku]. (price it is indicated for all rollers)http: / / / projects / 86351.html

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Flesch is the animation of the cap of the site

Customer: [Potapchenko] Dmitriy (light55555)
Category: Flash
Budget: ? Good day! There is a picture of the cap of the site (see in the fastening). Is four versions Flesch the animation of this picture: 1) the animation of waves 2) the addition of the sonic effect of singing birds 3) the addition of poultry in the lake: either swans or pheasants or some other birdies 4) at the main entrance are [mangal] - it is possible hazes to make from there it interests - will cost each point separately (with the indication of lives)http: / / / projects / 86209.html

Flesch is the animation of the cap of the site

Customer: [Potapchenko] Dmitriy (light55555)
Category: Flash
Budget: ? Good day! There is a picture of the cap of the site (see in the fastening). Is four versions Flesch the animation of this picture: 1) the animation of waves 2) the addition of the sonic effect of singing birds 3) the addition of poultry in the lake: either swans or pheasants or some other birdies 4) at the main entrance are [mangal] - it is possible hazes to make from there it interests - will cost each point separately (with the indication of lives)http: / / / projects / 86209.html

Animation of the 3rd elements

Customer: Ivanov Constantine (nk_ua)
Category: Flash, the animation
Budget: ? It is necessary to make for the flash- cap of animation (see the appendix): bag - it is opened/it is shut mannequin - prints mouse - occurs pushing of knob (orange) the size of final file has a value. There is psd, in which each of the elements is located on the separate layer. Price and periods interests.http: / / / projects / 86109.html

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

the continuation of work on compiling of the figures

Customer: [Bunyak] Anna (Tira)
Category: Flash, the design of the sites
Budget: 50 USD is necessary artist with the knowledge of the program Of illustratior for continuing the work on compiling of figures for the [flesh]- site. I apply an example. Animation on the site will be approximate as to http: // / / / projects / 86004.html

Sonification of text. Urgently.

Customer: Nitrocellulose rayon Ekaterina (kotja121)
Category: Sonification
Budget: ? It is urgently necessary to professionally record text volume of approximately 1100 words. Only for the citizens of Russia, who have evidence of the Pension fund payment only for [beznalu]. If you please, leave proposals with the price.http: / / / projects / 86028.html

Monday, December 8, 2008

Is required small animation (2)

Customer: Vyacheslav (xstr)
Category: Animation, Flash
Budget: 10 USD is required the Flesch- animation of the burning lamp (twinkling + specks of light on the wall). --- With the well executed work possible the long-term cooperation of this region.http: / / / projects / 83234.html

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Editing of the rollers

Customer: Levitskiy Sergey (Wordlis)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? Adequate editor of videotapes for the sizes AVI. MPEG of detail into iCQ of ***http: / / / projects / 85692.html

Friday, December 5, 2008

[Ozvuchka] + the installation of 15 rollers

Customer: Medvedev of max (heckfly)
Category: Audio/videotapes, the sonification
Budget: to 500 USD Of [ozvuchka] of the texts of presentations for the innovation projects + on the basis of [skrinkastov], presentation, audio- record and other materials to [sgenerirovat] of the 3rd minute videotape for the presentation before the investors. Quantity of videotapes at the output - 15, time to the fulfillment: now - 6.12 23:00 - 10 thousand rubles in the bodies: ***http: / / / projects / 85385.html

Creation of rollers for youtube

Customer: Vasil'yev (tvoy)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? The creation of rollers for youtube is necessary the creation of the rollers of the patriotic thematics of a good quality, with the tests so that pleasantly it would be to look.http: / / / projects / 85266.html

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Creation of rollers for youtube

Customer: Vasil'yev (tvoy)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? The creation of rollers for youtube is necessary the creation of the rollers of the patriotic thematics of a good quality, with the tests so that pleasantly it would be to look.http: / / / projects / 85266.html

Creation of rollers for youtube

Customer: Vasil'yev (tvoy)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? The creation of rollers for youtube is necessary the creation of the rollers good of quality, with the tests so that pleasantly it would be to look.http: / / / projects / 85266.html

Creation of rollers for youtube

Customer: Vasil'yev (tvoy)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? The creation of rollers for youtube is necessary the creation of the rollers good of quality, with the tests so that pleasantly it would be to look.http: / / / projects / 85266.html

The videotape is necessary

Customer: Jallois Of tasha (forevertash)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? Requirements for the rollers: Size WMV volume is not more than 15 mb. duration not less than 1 minute of 30 seconds (approximately 2-3 minutes) the Ukraine Kievhttp: / / / projects / 85208.html

The videotape is necessary

Customer: Jallois Of tasha (forevertash)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? Requirements for the rollers: Size WMV volume is not more than 15 mb. duration not less than 1 minute of 30 seconds (approximately 2-3 minutes) the Ukraine Kievhttp: / / / projects / 85208.html

The videotape is necessary

Customer: Jallois Of tasha (forevertash)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? Requirements for the rollers: Size WMV volume is not more than 15 mb. duration not less than 1 minute of 30 seconds (approximately 2-3 minutes)http: / / / projects / 85208.html

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

the 3rd minute rollers, 14 pcs

Customer: Medvedev of max (heckfly)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? On the basis of [skrinkastov], presentation, audio- record and other materials to [sgenerirovat] of the 3rd minute videotape for the presentation before the investors. For possible some projects it is necessary to wire for sound text on the slides. Quantity of videotapes at the output - 14, time to the fulfillment: now - 5.12 23:00 of the bodies: ***http: / / / projects / 84997.html

Flesch is roller + roller for the presentations

Customer: [Goldbin] Roy (r0ya11)
Category: Flash, the audio/videotapes
Budget: 100 USD the task of making one roller in the size of film (for the presentation on the plasma in the club), and the second roller for the site (with the entrance to the site it will float) [itest] it must be read, but with [kreativom]. .[osnovnye] colors - black and white is music text ravine subject your [kreativno], in the gloss. ***http: / / / projects / 84990.html

Flesch is roller + roller for the presentations

Customer: [Goldbin] Roy (r0ya11)
Category: Flash, the audio/videotapes
Budget: 100 USD the task of making one roller in the size of film (for the presentation on the plasma in the club), and the second roller for the site (with the entrance to the site it will float) [itest] it must be read, but with [kreativom]. .[osnovnye] colors - black and white is music text ravine subject your [kreativno], in the gloss. ***http: / / / projects / 84990.html

the 3rd minute rollers, 14 pcs

Customer: Medvedev of max (heckfly)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? On the basis of [skrinkastov], presentation, audio- record and other materials to [sgenerirovat] of the 3rd minute videotape for the presentation before the investors. For possible some projects it is necessary to wire for sound text on the slides. Quantity of videotapes at the output - 14, time to the fulfillment: now - 5.12 23:00 of the bodies: ***http: / / / projects / 84997.html

the 3rd minute rollers, 14 pcs

Customer: Medvedev of max (heckfly)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? On the basis of [skrinkastov], presentation, audio- record and other materials to [sgenerirovat] of the 3rd minute videotape for the presentation before the investors. For possible some projects it is necessary to wire for sound text on the slides. Quantity of videotapes at the output - 14, time to the fulfillment: now - 5.12 23:00 of the bodies: ***http: / / / projects / 84997.html

Flesch is roller + roller for the presentations

Customer: [Goldbin] Roy (r0ya11)
Category: Flash, the audio/videotapes
Budget: 100 USD the task of making one roller in the size of film (for the presentation on the plasma in the club), and the second roller for the site (with the entrance to the site it will float) [itest] it must be read, but with [kreativom]. .[osnovnye] colors - black and white is music text ravine subject your [kreativno], in the gloss. ***http: / / / projects / 84990.html

Flesch is roller + roller for [prezintatsiy

Customer: [Goldbin] Roy (r0ya11)
Category: Flash, the audio/videotapes
Budget: 100 USD the task of making one roller in the size of film (for the presentation on the plasma in the club), and the second roller for the site (with the entrance to the site it will float). .[skin] to it all materials (ravine and entire [khuynyu]). .[test] it must be that read, but with [kreativom]. .[osnovnye] colors - black and white is music text ravine subject your [kreativno], in the gloss. ***http: / / / projects / 84990.html

Monday, December 1, 2008

To cut video

Customer: [Goponenko] [A].[G]. (beenergy)
Category: Audio/videotapes, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to cut video (about 30 minutes) to 3-4 logic units and to optimize for web.http: / / / projects / 84607.html

To cut video

Customer: [Goponenko] [A].[G]. (beenergy)
Category: Audio/videotapes, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to cut video (about 30 minutes) to 3-4 logic units and to optimize for web.http: / / / projects / 84607.html

To cut video

Customer: [Goponenko] [A].[G]. (beenergy)
Category: Audio/videotapes, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to cut video (about 30 minutes) to 3-4 logic units and to optimize for web.http: / / / projects / 84607.html

Sunday, November 30, 2008

It is necessary to make the [fl]e[sh]- roller

Customer: [Avrina] Natalia (MatildaN)
Category: Flash, the animation
Budget: ? There is the need to sufficiently urgently make a Flesch- postcard to the site. actually, this is the roller of seconds to ***. With the characters, the motion - everything in the light. Scenario exists. Time until December 25 maximum. It is possible to speak on the budget, but not that in order to large. Write to ***http: / / / projects / 84427.html

It is necessary to make the [fl]e[sh]- roller

Customer: [Avrina] Natalia (MatildaN)
Category: Flash, the animation
Budget: ? There is the need to sufficiently urgently make a Flesch- postcard to the site. actually, this is the roller of seconds to ***. With the characters, the motion - everything in the light. Scenario exists. Time until December 25 maximum. It is possible to speak on the budget, but not that in order to large. Write to ***http: / / / projects / 84427.html

Friday, November 28, 2008

Private project for Ko Stas (Stas_K)

Customer: [Purtov] Aleksey (melpix) the category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? Working by video, the addition of [zaukahttp: / / / projects / 84065.html

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Private project for Ko Stas (Stas_K)

Customer: [Purtov] Aleksey (melpix) the category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? Working by video, the addition of [zaukahttp: / / / projects / 84065.html

Private project for Ko Stas (Stas_K)

Customer: [Purtov] Aleksey (melpix) the category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? Working by video, the addition of [zaukahttp: / / / projects / 84065.html

Advertising roller (banner)

Customer: Igor (senshoV)
Category: Banners, the audio/videotapes
Budget: 50 USD is necessary the advertising roller in the form of banner, as it is done to the Internet sites in the size of.avi, for the arrangement on vertical LCD display. Information on the display is applied. Roller is not complex, is information about the company. I will send information about the company along the demand.http: / / / projects / 84018.html

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Flesch is the animation

Customer: Alexey Of malevich (4island)
Category: Animation, Flash
Budget: ? To make several simple decorative Flesch animations. icq: ***http: / / / projects / 83842.html

FLASH- postcard to the New Year (2)

Customer: Tt Kotrin (Kotrin)
Category: Figures/of illustration, the animation
Budget: ? Is necessary flash- postcard to the New Year according to TZ. details on icq of *** of right in design remain.http: / / / projects / 76258.html

Development of the design of the site

Customer: Orlov Kostya (OrlovKostya)
Category: Design of sites, the HTML- imposition
Budget: to 250 USD is required to draw and to cut the template of the main page of site the thematics music!http: / / / projects / 83731.html

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It is necessary for the games to select sounds for the sonification

Customer: [Krivoshein] Vasiliy [Igorevich] (4052898) the category: Sonification
Budget: ? It is necessary for the games to select the sounds of sonification.http: / / / projects / 83523.html

Installation of the finished roller

Customer: Krylov of max (mkrylov)
Category: Audio/videotapes, are other
Budget: ? How do you do! It is necessary to make installation and [ozvuchku] of the finished roller of that tightened from YouTube. Text for [ozvuchki] is ready. Budget is determined after consideration. Preferably so that you would be from Kiev. you [stuchite] into [asku] of *** of max.http: / / / projects / 83517.html

Interpretation and the transfer of the English-language roller

Customer: [Chepelev] Andrey (halcon)
Category: Artistic transfers, the audio/videotapes
Budget: ? Good day, is a roller in the English of 5 minutes with the small, it is necessary it to decipher and to transfer in the Russian, after writing the time of each remark. If your possibilities are allowed, it is possible immediately to transfer to the rumor in the Russian, t to English text is not necessary. Period - twenty-four hours. From you I wait proposals on the price.http: / / / projects / 83508.html

Sonification of the audio/videotapes

Customer: Ivanov Oleg (iivvaannoovv)
Category: Sonification, the audio/videotapes
Budget: to 50 USD professionally and within the compressed periods I will record audio/videotape, the production is possiblehttp: / / / projects / 83465.html

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sonification of the audio/videotapes

Customer: Ivanov Oleg (iivvaannoovv)
Category: Sonification, the audio/videotapes
Budget: to 50 USD professionally and within the compressed periods I will record audio/videotape, the production is possiblehttp: / / / projects / 83465.html

The small animation is required

Customer: Vyacheslav (xstr)
Category: Animation
Budget: ? Is required the Flesch- animation of the burning lamp (twinkling + specks of light on the wall). --- With the well executed work possible the long-term cooperation of this region.http: / / / projects / 83234.html

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The small animation is required

Customer: Vyacheslav (xstr)
Category: Animation
Budget: ? Is required the Flesch- animation of the burning lamp (twinkling + specks of light on the wall). --- With the well executed work possible the long-term cooperation of this region.http: / / / projects / 83234.html

Advertising roller

Customer: Morozov Sergey (Exquisitus)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? To create advertising roller for the medical clinic. Model: http: // v=okmokv9arim the duration of *** s.http: / / / projects / 83152.html

Loss of sound during the conversion of video

Customer: Hamsters Eugene (untwist)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: to 100 USD the problem: during the conversion of video with the aid of the utility of ffmpeg is lost the sound. the task: it is necessary to find the solution of this problem. Notation: application is carried out from under php of script by the call of the function of system with the parameters.http: / / / projects / 83160.html

Advertising roller

Customer: Morozov Sergey (Exquisitus)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? To create advertising roller for the medical clinic. Model: http: // v=okmokv9arim the duration of *** s.http: / / / projects / 83152.html

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Animation of the cap of the site

Customer: Vlad Ch (VladCH)
Category: Animation
Budget: ? There is finished illustration of girl (370 to 370). It is necessary to make its hair and eyelids mobile. As an example of http: // High quality is necessary.http: / / / projects / 83067.html

Friday, November 21, 2008

Development of the animated map of the passage

Customer: [Ivanyan] Georgiy (idexgroup)
Category: Figures/of illustration, the animation
Budget: ? It is necessary to develop the animated map of passage with the possibility of the selection of some options by user. Map of passage - moving along the map automobile to the point of destination. Prices to give separately for the development of map ([otrisovku]) and the creation of animation. T to is possible, initial concept in the graphic form will be [otrisovana] by us.http: / / / projects / 82878.html

Development of the animated map of the passage

Customer: [Ivanyan] Georgiy (idexgroup)
Category: Figures/of illustration, the animation
Budget: ? It is necessary to develop the animated map of passage with the possibility of the selection of some options by user. Map of passage - moving along the map automobile to the point of destination. Prices to give separately for the development of map ([otrisovku]) and the creation of animation. T to is possible, initial concept in the graphic form will be [otrisovana] by us.http: / / / projects / 82878.html

Development of the animated map of the passage

Customer: [Ivanyan] Georgiy (idexgroup)
Category: Figures/of illustration, the animation
Budget: ? It is necessary to develop the animated map of passage with the possibility of the selection of some options by user. Map of passage - moving along the map automobile to the point of destination. Prices to give separately for the development of map ([otrisovku]) and the creation of animation. T to is possible, initial concept in the graphic form will be [otrisovana] by us.http: / / / projects / 82878.html

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

To transfer the news from MY site -DLE in others MY with -DLE

Customer: Vinogradov [Armen] (bioprodakshen)
Category: Web- programming, is other
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to transfer the news from one my site to DLE into another my site - it also on [dle], there somehow this through [BD] is done, I [khz] to me necessarily from several divisions into the analogous divisions (films, music, games so forth), well or [sdelaeyte] 1 division and show me as - I myself will complete rest by the same method of 5 wmz of icq of ***http: / / / projects / 82550.html

To transfer the news from MY site -DLE in others MY with -DLE

Customer: Vinogradov [Armen] (bioprodakshen)
Category: Web- programming, is other
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to transfer the news from one my site to DLE into another my site - it also on [dle], there somehow this through [BD] is done, I [khz] to me necessarily from several divisions into the analogous divisions (films, music, games so forth), well or [sdelaeyte] 1 division and show me as - I myself will complete rest by the same method of 5 wmz of icq of ***http: / / / projects / 82550.html

It is necessary to create the videotape

Customer: [Gesha] (Geptil6)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: 120 USD without the sound, 720[kh]576 of pixels, 25 personnel PAL, on the basis of poster and video material, which will be given. thematics - concert.http: / / / projects / 82417.html

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It is necessary to create the videotape

Customer: [Gesha] (Geptil6)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: 120 USD without the sound, 720[kh]576 of pixels, 25 personnel PAL, on the basis of poster and video material, which will be given. thematics - concert.http: / / / projects / 82417.html

It is necessary to create the videotape

Customer: [Gesha] (Geptil6)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: 120 USD without the sound, 720[kh]576 of pixels, 25 personnel PAL, on the basis of poster and video material, which will be given. thematics - concert.http: / / / projects / 82417.html

Thursday, November 13, 2008

To create video roller to the football thematics

Customer: [Naumenko] Eugene (hiberok)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? It is necessary to create videotape, to put on the specific song. I will give song, video let us select together with the executor. Project personally for itself!!! [Frilanser] itself, on the price let us agreehttp: / / / projects / 81500.html

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

On-line translation of video from the cameras (2)

Customer: Boyko Artem (chubako)
Category: Flash, the audio/videotapes
Budget: ? How do you do. For a constant collaboration is necessary the man, which will help to organize on-line broadcastings of users to the site. Analog - broadcasting on For the beginning it is necessary simply to organize broadcastings from the camera to the site. Is utilized red5. Principle of such: flash of player in the browser of translator - > red5 - > flash of player in the browser of spectator. Can use finished examples from the site of red5. Are necessary aid in the assembling and the optimization, tuning of entire this matter. ICQ for the connection: ***http: / / / projects / 76408.html

Monday, November 10, 2008

Correcting the [animirovannoy] leaflet

Customer: Tokarev Sergey (RNF)
Category: Animation, [Multimedia] of the presentation
Budget: to 50 USD correcting the leaflet of the agency of http: // tml#tpphttp: / / / projects / 80729.html

To process [audiofragment

Customer: [Guritskiy] Dmitriy (Loverman)
Category: Audio/videotapes, are other
Budget: ? Initial data - is a Dictaphone record, size .AMR on the record - conversation. It is necessary to try to strengthen the level of the signal/of the loudness of conversation itself by any means, having in parallel lowered the level of strange noise (passing automobiles the rest).http: / / / projects / 80688.html

Correcting the [animirovannoy] leaflet

Customer: Tokarev Sergey (RNF)
Category: Animation, [Multimedia] of the presentation
Budget: to 50 USD correcting the leaflet of the agency of http: // tml#tpphttp: / / / projects / 80729.html

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Correcting the [animirovannoy] leaflet

Customer: Tokarev Sergey (RNF)
Category: Animation, [Multimedia] of the presentation
Budget: to 50 USD correcting the leaflet of the agency of http: // tml#tpphttp: / / / projects / 80729.html

To process [audiofragment

Customer: [Guritskiy] Dmitriy (Loverman)
Category: Audio/videotapes, are other
Budget: ? Initial data - is a Dictaphone record, size .AMR on the record - conversation. It is necessary to try to strengthen the level of the signal/of the loudness of conversation itself by any means, having in parallel lowered the level of strange noise (passing automobiles the rest).http: / / / projects / 80688.html

To process [audiofragment

Customer: [Guritskiy] Dmitriy (Loverman)
Category: Audio/videotapes, are other
Budget: ? Initial data - is a Dictaphone record, size .AMR on the record - conversation. It is necessary by any means to try to strengthen the level of the signal/of the loudness of [razgovra] itself, in parallel [ponizivuroven] of strange [shumof] ([proekhzhayushchie] automobiles the rest).http: / / / projects / 80688.html

Friday, November 7, 2008

To record (to read aloud into the microphone) the book

Customer: Serge Of alex (AlexSerge)
Category: Sonification, is other
Budget: ? Executor - it is desirable girl. T to narration goes from face of girl. Briefly. I give the text of the book. You: - you overrun the book by expressive, intelligible voice. As in [audioknigakh]. - you remove noise, you make even any manipulations on an improvement in the quality of [zvuchniya], the imposition of background music (possibly - open to question) - you preserve this all into [mp]3 files with duration on 5-15 minutes. In the correspondence on [litelnosti] of head. the note: - are better immediately the models of voice - place immediately exemplary price, for example per hour finished [ozvuchki] - proposal it is better here, any [lichek]. - if there is an experience of a similar work - this is enormous plus. Immediately brag about this by the first line and reference to it.http: / / / projects / 80432.html

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Creation Of flash of the site

Customer: Kulikov Of pavel (geenn007)
Category: Web- programming, Flash
Budget: to 1000 USD the creation Of flash of site. Video + of video. [Kontent] and design is ready (in the illustrator). It is necessary to gather all together. Animation is not necessary. It is required: the responsible and [gramontyy] programmer. ***http: / / / projects / 80245.html

development by video of the chat room

Customer: Wlc-Group Nikolai (wlc)
Category: Flash, the audio/videotapes
Budget: to 500 USD leave your contacts. We will be connected with you.http: / / / projects / 80151.html

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Development Of [flesh] of the cartoon

Customer: Granovskij Of kirill (Darh)
Category: Flash, the animation
Budget: ? Is required to [otrisovat] in [fleshe] cartoon. Scenario is, 4 characters. FOR the beginning of 2 series on *** of seconds. With the successful work - series. Your possible [ozvuchka]. Price in second 10 ye. *** Of *** ICQ in the communications if you please indicate references to the animations made by youhttp: / / / projects / 80001.html

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

To develop Flash for the site in the finished design

Customer: [Mikhalin] Aleksey (ZON)
Category: Flash, the animation
Budget: to 500 USD to develop Flash for the site in the already finished design of site.http: / / / projects / 79755.html

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Articles and the news of the musical thematics

Customer: [Kobzar] Peter (pitkobzar)
Category: News/article/surveys, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? Musical project Of hazzen (http: // invites the experienced writers/of translators to participate in the filling of site with the articles of musical thematics and with the news about the foreign executors. The themes of articles are sufficiently wide: from the history of subcultures, to the aid in the selection of musical tools. Examples of the works (desirably on the theme) send on e-mail: *** Of thanks.http: / / / projects / 79473.html

To make an installation of [videosemki

Customer: [Osipov] Anton (g- m)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? It is necessary to create the qualitative, beautiful- designed installation of [videosemki]. Video lasts approximately minute 10, it is necessary to make on min 2. to select most interesting, it is beautiful to make; also it will be necessary to put text into some moments. + musical tracking and the logotype of site to the left below always. Price and period?http: / / / projects / 79520.html

To make an installation of [videosemki

Customer: [Osipov] Anton (g- m)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? It is necessary to create the qualitative, beautiful- designed installation of [videosemki]. Video lasts approximately minute 10, it is necessary to make on min 2. to select most interesting, it is beautiful to make; also it will be necessary to put text into some moments. + musical tracking and the logotype of site to the left below always. Price and period?http: / / / projects / 79520.html

Articles and the news of the musical thematics

Customer: [Kobzar] Peter (pitkobzar)
Category: News/article/surveys, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? Musical project Of hazzen (http: // invites the experienced writers/of translators to participate in the filling of site with the articles of musical thematics and with the news about the foreign executors. The themes of articles are sufficiently wide: from the history of subcultures, to the aid in the selection of musical tools. Examples of the works (desirably on the theme) send on e-mail: *** Of thanks.http: / / / projects / 79473.html

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Articles and the news of the musical thematics

Customer: [Kobzar] Peter (pitkobzar)
Category: News/article/surveys, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? Musical project Of hazzen (http: // invites the experienced writers/of translators to participate in the filling of site with the articles of musical thematics and with the news about the foreign executors. The themes of articles are sufficiently wide: from the history of subcultures, to the aid in the selection of musical tools. Examples of the works (desirably on the theme) send on e-mail: *** Of thanks.http: / / / projects / 79473.html

Production Flesch animation.

Customer: Bubnov Andrey (anderson11)
Category: Flash, the animation
Budget: ? Is necessary the production of fragments Flesch animation for the site.http: / / / projects / 79359.html

Thursday, October 30, 2008

FLV of [pleer

Customer: [Nuvakhov] edward (Eduardos)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to make flv of [pleer] picture in the application.http: / / / projects / 79095.html

FLV of [pleer

Customer: [Nuvakhov] edward (Eduardos)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to make flv of [pleer] picture in the application.http: / / / projects / 79095.html

FLV of [pleer

Customer: [Nuvakhov] edward (Eduardos)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to make flv of [pleer] picture in the application.http: / / / projects / 79095.html

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It is necessary to remove sound and subtitles

Customer: Jestovski [A].[L]. (azhestovsky)
Category: [Multimedia] of presentation, the audio/videotapes
Budget: ? Description: Working videotapes. the task: to remove subtitles and sound. To be turned: ***http: / / / projects / 78834.html

It is necessary to remove sound and subtitles

Customer: Jestovski [A].[L]. (azhestovsky)
Category: [Multimedia] of presentation, the audio/videotapes
Budget: ? Description: Working videotapes. the task: to remove subtitles and sound. To be turned: ***http: / / / projects / 78834.html

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It is necessary to transfer from the English 8 minutes of [videotreninga

Customer: Peter Pavel (PetrPavel)
Category: Technical transfers, the sonification
Budget: ? There is video- training on the use [po]. it is necessary to make a transfer of the basic inscriptions, which appear on the screen, the transfer of that, about which the teacher speaks, the transfer of tasks to write down the simultaneous translation of the speech of teacher so that it would be possible to listen to you, after turning off the sound of English teacher. send proposals with the indication of periods and cost of operationhttp: / / / projects / 78724.html

Corporate film

Customer: Red'Ko Of pavel (pavelredko)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? Expected volume of the works: 1. correcting scenario or writing its 2. preparation of the materials of the film: survey in the Ukraine - to two surveying days, the coordination of surveys in [Belarusii] (two or three days). From the Ukrainian side is expected the description of requirements for the [belarusskoy] film crew. Surveys in the Ukraine: one-two interview + the survey of industrial object. 3. installation and [ozvuchka] of film in accordance with the scenario on the basis of [sobranogo] material (Russ. language). 4. [ozvuchka] of film in the English. Periods of the fulfillment: On December 15, 2008. - finished film.http: / / / projects / 78597.html

Monday, October 27, 2008

Creation of the videotapes

Customer: [Chervoneko] Eva (Eva_castro)
Category: Audio/videotapes, the photographs
Budget: ? [Videosemka], and also [videomontazh] of any complexity. Advertising rollers, diverse measures, subject subjects, generally all, which is connected with the video imagehttp: / / / projects / 78457.html

Creation of the videotapes

Customer: [Chervoneko] Eva (Eva_castro)
Category: Audio/videotapes, the photographs
Budget: ? [Videosemka], and also [videomontazh] of any complexity. Advertising rollers, diverse measures, subject subjects, generally all, which is connected with the video imagehttp: / / / projects / 78457.html

Is necessary [videoinstruktsiya

Customer: Mihas (mihas)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? For the site it is necessary to photograph and to install [videoinstruktsiyu]. Purpose - to explain to the user of site the principles of the work of system. Very good example is located with this address I should make practically one to one; also must be attractive girl, who explains that also as with the excursus into the divisions of site. On the time, I think, minutes 5 must be completely sufficiently. I will grant texts. I wait your proposals on the periods and the price.http: / / / projects / 78392.html

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Set of banners for the sport resource

Customer: [Karnovskiy] Mikhail (noys)
Category: Banners, Flash
Budget: to 100 USD is necessary the set of banners for the sport resource (ex-threesmall sport) the sizes: 468[kh]60 - GIF animation, flash, static 234[kh]60 - GIF animation, static 125[kh]250 - GIF animation, flash, static 125[kh]125 - GIF animation, flash, static 100[kh]100 - GIF animation, flash, static 31[kh]88 - GIF animation, static if you please, name your prices (entire complete set, part, or separately) and examples of works.http: / / / projects / 78249.html

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Transfer + the sonification of the film

Customer: Serge Of alex (AlexSerge)
Category: Sonification, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? Is necessary transfer and sonification of 2[ch]. 20[min]. film from the English to Russian 2-[mya] by voices female and man. Speeches not are too much. It is compulsory examples of works, price of work and periods. Place proposals here.http: / / / projects / 78133.html

Transfer + the sonification of the film

Customer: Serge Of alex (AlexSerge)
Category: Artistic transfers, the sonification
Budget: ? Is necessary transfer and sonification of 2[ch]. 20[min]. film from the English to Russian 2-[mya] by voices female and man. Speeches not are too much. It is compulsory examples of works, price of work and periods. Place proposals here.http: / / / projects / 78133.html

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Small [fleshka]!

Customer: [Butakov] Ruslan (cocacola)
Category: Flash, the banners
Budget: 10 USD will have to make 2 [nebolgie] of flash of animation! 1) the animation of the motion of current on the wires. I will grant background image. 2) rubber animation in logotype. Immediately I please to be turned people only by opinions and rating!http: / / / projects / 77712.html

Small [fleshka]!

Customer: [Butakov] Ruslan (cocacola)
Category: Flash, the banners
Budget: 10 USD will have to make 2 [nebolgie] of flash of animation! 1) the animation of the motion of current on the wires. I will grant background image. 2) rubber animation in logotype. Immediately I please to be turned people only by opinions and rating!http: / / / projects / 77712.html

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

To install video for the Web

Customer: Alexey Of malevich (4island)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? To c[montirovat] video for the Web, you rock [iskhodnik] of video into [mp]4 with volume near 800[mb] necessary to install into the roller by duration 1 minute. At the output the Web is page Flesch -[pleerom] playing flv of icq: ***http: / / / projects / 77597.html

5 it flogged headpiece for the site (video)

Customer: Serge Of alex (AlexSerge)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? Good hour is necessary to 5 per-second [kreativnaya] headpiece with the address of site for the insert in video.http: / / / projects / 77526.html

5 it flogged headpiece for the site (video)

Customer: Serge Of alex (AlexSerge)
Category: Audio/videotapes
Budget: ? Good hour is necessary to 5 per-second [kreativnaya] headpiece with the address of site for the insert in video.http: / / / projects / 77526.html

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the filling of site on sale of the films

Customer: Storms Dmitriy (kino36g)
Category: [Kontent]- management, the audio/videotapes
Budget: ? There is a site on sale of films for sms, is necessary [chelovek]c with the high-speed Internet ([bezlimitka]) which will pour films on server, payment for understanding. Size of files from 700 Mb to 2000 Mb.http: / / / projects / 77507.html

Monday, October 20, 2008

Presentation of firm with the elements of the animation

Customer: Dmitriev Alexander (Flash2000)
Category: Animation, [Multimedia] of the presentation
Budget: ? Are necessary the presentation of advertising agency, http executed in similar: // style. You select photographs or figures, a little them you [animiruete]. Only without the motions of separate body parts. As in an example. Send the closest analog from your [portfolio], period and [stoiomost].http: / / / projects / 77324.html

Friday, October 17, 2008

Work in 3d max

Customer: [Eroshin] Andrey (test090)
Category: 3d- graph, the animation
Budget: 100 USD it is necessary to develop characters. To be turned into [lichku]. Budget affirmed.http: / / / projects / 76889.html

To gather roller from green of chroma of key

Customer: GameEra (GameEra)
Category: Audio/videotapes, are other
Budget: ? There are [iskhodniki] of roller (men against the background of green screen). Task to accurately gather scenes into the roller according to scenario, to conduct installation, to qualitatively make an imposition of chroma of key and background on that beautifully selected. I.e., to gather finished roller from this. Tonic proposal only from the specialists, who previously dealt with the replacement of background in video on chroma of key, t to me must qualitative result, but not curves of edge.http: / / / projects / 76879.html

Creation of the 2nd [animirovannykh] in Flesch rollers.

Customer: Plekhanov Eugene (plehanov87)
Category: Figures/of illustration, Flash
Budget: 200 USD for the first figure. Motion of miniature satellite along the orbit of logotype, the animation of aurora borealis, beat of the pointer of compass. For the second figure the being caught fire red signal flames on the tower, red wave on the steel grid, the specks of light of the sun on the logotype.http: / / / projects / 76792.html

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

On-line translation of video from the cameras

Customer: Boyko Artem (chubako)
Category: Flash, the audio/videotapes
Budget: ? How do you do. For a constant collaboration is necessary the man, which will help to organize on-line broadcastings of users to the site. Analog - broadcasting on For the beginning it is necessary simply to organize broadcastings from the camera to the site. Is utilized red5. Principle of such: flash of player in the browser of translator - > red5 - > flash of player in the browser of spectator. Can use finished examples from the site of red5. Are necessary aid in the assembling and the optimization, tuning of entire this matter. ICQ for the connection: ***http: / / / projects / 76408.html

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

FLASH- postcard to the new year

Customer: Tt Kotrin (Kotrin) the category: The figures/Of
illustration, Animation Is The budget: ? Is necessary flash- postcard
to the new year according to TZ of detail on icq *** of right to the
design they remain.http: / / / projects / 76258.html

Monday, October 13, 2008

Small Flesch with the smooth change is color

Customer: Prudko Andrey (Gigant) the category: Animation, Mul'timedia
of presentation the budget: 100 usd I greet. It is necessary on the
basis of picture to make similarity. This house, only illumination in
these and other places. Illumination somewhere smoothly changes color.
It is necessary that it would be possible to include the illumination
and to disconnect. As precisely and what colors are necessary - in the
personal correspondence. Propose periods and price, you look budget
(+/-) with the respect, Andreyhttp: / / / projects / 76184.html

Creation of the training programs in formation system

Customer: Kurbatskaya sea-scape (MarinaMinsk) the category: Flash,
animation is the budget: to 1000 USD 1) creation of demonstration
fl3w- rollers on the assigned scenario (training courses of "persons
and peace", "entertaining grammar"); 2) the creation of logical tasks
in the play form.http: / / / projects / 76095.html

Creation of the training programs in formation system

Customer: Kurbatskaya sea-scape (MarinaMinsk) the category: Flash,
animation is the budget: to 1000 USD 1) creation of demonstration
fl3w- rollers on the assigned scenario (training courses of "persons
and peace", "entertaining grammar"); 2) the creation of logical tasks
in the play form.http: / / / projects / 76095.html

Creation of the training programs in formation system

Customer: Kurbatskaya sea-scape (MarinaMinsk) the category: Flash,
animation is the budget: to 1000 USD 1) creation of demonstration
fl3w- rollers on the assigned scenario (training courses of "persons
and peace", "entertaining grammar"); 2) the creation of logical tasks
in the play form.http: / / / projects / 76095.html

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Translation of video to the site with IP camera in realtayme

Customer: Box Aleksandr (aviaf) The category: Scripts/Web-
Application, Audio/Videotapes The budget: ? There is a finished site
necessarily, which on it stood the window, in which was transmitted
the image with IP camera in real time so it must be present control
panel - selection of cameras, the retention of the feet of sequence.http: / / / projects / 75787.html

Friday, October 10, 2008


Customer: Roman Rusu (MiLeR) the category: Sonification Is The budget:
? It is necessary to record text on the play theme, by beautiful
voice. Write ***. send the tests of voice to ***http: / / / projects / 75669.html

Creation/tuning Flesch pleyera for the site

Customer: Fedor komolov (fernand) The category: Flash,
Audio/Videotapes The budget: ? It is necessary to dispose fleshpleyer
for playback flv- it is file, located on one of the sites. Necessary
to represent (to decipher) the code of the call of this pleyera and to
explain as for which work all its tuning. Moreover, is required the
creation of fleshpleyera for playback mp3- it is file, whose design
must be identical flv-ple1eru.http: / / / projects / 75540.html

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Creation/tuning Flesch pleyera for the site

Customer: Fedor komolov (fernand) The category: Flash,
Audio/Videotapes The budget: ? It is necessary to dispose fleshpleyer
for playback flv- it is file, located on one of the sites. Necessary
to represent (to decipher) the code of the call of this pleyera and to
explain as for which work all its tuning. Moreover, is required the
creation of fleshpleyera for playback mp3- it is file, whose design
must be identical flv-ple1eru.http: / / / projects / 75540.html

Creation/tuning Flesch pleyera for the site

Customer: Fedor komolov (fernand) The category: Flash,
Audio/Videotapes The budget: ? It is necessary to dispose fleshpleyer
for playback flv- it is file, located on one of the sites. Necessary
to represent (to decipher) the code of the call of this pleyera and to
explain as for which work all its tuning. Moreover, is required the
creation of fleshpleyera for playback mp3- it is file, whose design
must be identical flv-ple1eru.http: / / / projects / 75540.html

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"music For Christ"

Customer: Evangelie (evangelie) the category: Design Of sites, The
pixel -art/Of ikonki The budget: to 100 usd is necessary the design so
that this would be to musical- Christian tematiku.(protestanskoye)
necessary musical and Christian side to combine. The name of site
there will be "music for Christ" I want in order to qualitative
bright. Buttons were in the form to piktogram (three measured or
hearth three measured) in the cap it is possible chtoto to devise
svyazanoye with the music. With the load of stranitsi I want melodious
chtoto so that would be sounded. With direct to the buttons so that
they would be the sounds as flicks or what to nibut' melodious. Must
be form auto-ReeseATsI, search on the site, add into the selected.http: / / / projects / 75245.html

"music For Christ"

Customer: Evangelie (evangelie) the category: Design Of sites, The
pixel -art/Of ikonki The budget: to 100 usd is necessary the design so
that this would be to musical- Christian tematiku.(protestanskoye)
necessary musical and Christian side to combine. The name of site
there will be "music for Christ" I want in order to qualitative
bright. Buttons were in the form to piktogram (three measured or
hearth three measured) in the cap it is possible chtoto to devise
svyazanoye with the music. With the load of stranitsi I want melodious
chtoto so that would be sounded. With direct to the buttons so that
they would be the sounds as flicks or what to nibut' melodious. Must
be form auto-ReeseATsI, search on the site, add into the selected.http: / / / projects / 75245.html

To create flv the file

Customer: Kuznetsov Andrey (monstro) the category: Audio/Videotapes,
Flash The budget: to 50 usd it is necessary to create flv the file,
whose content: Video: - noise (not as on the television set, but
sporadically lazhayet digital video) - sonic noise of the detail: ICQ
***http: / / / projects / 75210.html

Monday, October 6, 2008

Cartoons for the instruction in the English

Customer: Zazakov Georgiy Alexandrovich (geor) The category: Animation
is the budget: ? It is necessary to make a series of the training
cartoons for the preschoolers and junior schoolboys, built on the
fl3w- animation. The requirements for the animation are not separately
great in view of the young age of spectator, i.e., it is assumed to be
sufficiently simple. Here are examples of that, on what this can be
similarly: (20MB), (12 MB.).
Ozvuchka of mul'tikov is not necessary, only to video. Scenarios and,
most likely, characters will be applied. Duration of the cartoons of
3-5 minutes. I want to understand price and lives. I again focus
attention on seriality, i.e. characters, frequently the interiors will
be repeated. The quantity of such mul'tov will be, at least, pieces
20.http: / / / projects / 74853.html

Friday, October 3, 2008

It is necessary to draw the snout of the site

Customer: Seeds Of krapkin (kitagor) The category: Flash, animation is
the budget: ? It is necessary to draw the fleshovuyu of snout- menu
for the site. So that knopochki prikol'no would run and inscriptions
luminesced. Site itself already exists and it nefleshovyy.http: / / / projects / 74474.html

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Customer: Roman Rusu (MiLeR) the category: Audio/Videotapes, 3d- graph
The budget: ? How do you do. It is necessary to create headpiece for
the transfer about the computer games. Not large, a somewhat
per-second headpiece before beginning transfer. Versions send to ***http: / / / projects / 74316.html

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Development Flash 3d- model of the building

Customer: Ivanyan Georgiy (idexgroup) the category: 3d- graph,
animation is the budget: ? It is necessary according to drawings to
develop 3D Flash the model of 1 storeyed building (commercial center)
with the possibility to look pavilions in the building (in the
section). Precise TZ is discussed after the selection of several
aspirants. It is necessary to compulsorily give examples of works and
tentative cost of operation!http: / / / projects / 74167.html

Redizayn of site on the organization of the holidays

Customer: Aleksey Vlasov (mantrib) the category: Design of sites the
budget: ? It is necessary to make a new design to site http:
// the style here of this site http:
// wishes: In the middle of "cap" the slogan: The
skill of leisure to the left below would be desirable to see photo, or
kollazh of anything "living")) or also people, can be event (but only
without any been bored with fireworks, balls and other atributiki)
each page invisibly divided by three vertical strips. At the end of
each page in the angle to to the right place sunflower (or that the
other) on the internal pages of site we plan to place not only photo,
but also video. Musical formulation so stands in the wishes.http: / / / projects / 74085.html

Sonification of presentations and rollers (2)

Customer: Work is (outsors_.msk) the category: Music, Sonification Is
The budget: 200 usd is required ozvuchka by effects (not standard, but
it is necessary to make its) and background music. Style is corporate.
Only if there is a similar experience! Send examples into lichku.http: / / / projects / 58512.html

Sonification of presentations and rollers (2)

Customer: Work is (outsors_.msk) the category: Music, Sonification Is
The budget: 200 usd is required ozvuchka by effects (not standard, but
it is necessary to make its) and background music. Style is corporate.
Only if there is a similar experience! Send examples into lichku.http: / / / projects / 58512.html

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Survey by video + working for the arrangement into the Internet

Customer: Ngk Ngk (NGK) the category: Audio/Videotapes The budget: ?
It is necessary: 1. survey by video (Moscow) into camera Sony
Dcr-sr220e. 2. Its subsequent working under the size of 'ya0khya80:
the addition of finished headpiece, kopirayta, music, the transfer
into size flv and load on our server. Most main retention of maximally
possible image quality! It is compulsory: examples of works. Payment
for each roller.http: / / / projects / 73919.html

Female voice

Customer: Ivanov Vladimir (vladobmen) The category: Sonification Is
The budget: to 50 usd it is necessary to write down in the high
quality by female beautiful voice several phrases for example good to
grant before the meetinghttp: / / / projects / 73848.html

Monday, September 29, 2008

Female voice

Customer: Ivanov Vladimir (vladobmen) The category: Sonification Is
The budget: to 50 usd it is necessary to write down in the high
quality by female beautiful voice several phrases for example good to
grant before the meetinghttp: / / / projects / 73848.html

To cut Flesch the roller

Customer: Kironin Anton (Menkalf) The category: Audio/Videotapes The
budget: ? Necessary to cut out first 5 seconds from you flesh' roller
and to remove sound leave price and contacts.http: / / / projects / 73858.html

Record of the telephone greeting

Customer: Batishchev Vasiliy (Polyaxe) the category: Sonification,
Audio/Videotapes The budget: to 100 usd to write down by the voice
presented several (about 20) phrases for the automatic responder into
the office. Duration - from 4 to 23 seconds to each phrase. Language:
Russian, English. Timbre: In the case of man - the tenor, female - any
size: mono, wav, 16 bits, *** kHz since task can carry out any, who
knows how to read, it would be noticeable to hear the models of
voice))http: / / / projects / 73792.html

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Diploma work

Customer: Mayboroda Sergey (Vipi) the category: 3d- graph, animation
is the budget: ? Good day. To us is necessary diplamnaya work on
profesii "auto-metal craftsman" in the mul'tividiynom size. Sense in
the following: It is necessary into 3D animation to organize
assembling/the dismantling of what or part of the automobile (for
example ruluvoye of upravleni or drive axles). File must be in video
size (to the the extreme of sluchiy in Flesch). Finished works from
the Internet NOT prinemayem. Periods - to krntsa of January of 2009.
Zhlitel'nost' of fal'ma of approximately 2,5-4,5 minutes. Here
pozhaluysto your prices and periods. If we are required for an example
on Monday I will throw down anogochichnuyu work on assembling of
engine.http: / / / projects / 73420.html

Friday, September 26, 2008

Simple presentation in power point

Customer: Vostrikov Ivan (A -luxkz) The category: The budget Is other:
5 usd how do you do it is necessary to make a presentation in power
point. On the theme the advertisement of air lines. It is necessary to
make an advertisement OF ANY air lines, but advertisement must be
completely creation, toyest' not skachannaya from the Internet. Select
any air lines. 10 -15 slides. to show idea... Animation is the
simplest. You should find information, pictures, devise plain idea.
Language: English the periods: 2-5 it is hour.http: / / / projects / 73389.html

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The animation is necessary

Customer: Kuz'menko Vasiliy (kuzmavl) the category: Animation is the
budget: ? Is necessary animation time study 3-5 min.http: / / / projects / 73140.html

Simultaneous translation!

Customer: Sergey Aleksandrs (baraev) The category: Artistic transfers,
sonification is the budget: ? How do you do. Simultaneous translation
with the emotional painting from the English training films is
necessary. Write your valuations the work experience of guarantee and
are ready to the test of minutes with 5 for example video? Write in
icq ***http: / / / projects / 73069.html

Creation of small video (of animated) roller

Customer: Alex (lexa3000) the category: Audio/videotapes, Mul'timedia
of presentation the budget: ? Is necessary small of video roller or
flesh the roller, in which as a result will figure the name of site
and some separate phrases on the theme of site. So that examples in
the file are better to understand the essence. The cost of the roller
of this plan interests. Periods are not important.http: / / / projects / 73061.html

Creation of small video (of animated) roller

Customer: Alex (lexa3000) the category: Audio/videotapes, Mul'timedia
of presentation the budget: ? Is necessary small of video roller or
flesh the roller, in which as a result will figure the name of site
and some separate phrases on the theme of site. So that examples in
the file are better to understand the essence. The cost of the roller
of this plan interests. Periods are not important.http: / / / projects / 73061.html

Simultaneous translation!

Customer: Sergey Aleksandrs (baraev) The category: Artistic transfers,
sonification is the budget: ? How do you do. Simultaneous translation
with the emotional painting from the English training films is
necessary. Write your valuations the work experience of guarantee and
are ready to the test of minutes with 5 for example video? Write in
icq ***http: / / / projects / 73069.html

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Simultaneous translation!

Customer: Sergey Aleksandrs (baraev) The category: Artistic transfers,
sonification is the budget: ? How do you do. Simultaneous translation
with the emotional painting from the English training films is
necessary. Write your valuations the work experience of guarantee and
are ready to the test of minutes with 5 for example video? Write in
icq ***http: / / / projects / 73069.html

Creation of small video (of animated) roller

Customer: Alex (lexa3000) the category: Audio/videotapes, Mul'timedia
of presentation the budget: ? Is necessary small of video roller or
flesh the roller, in which as a result will figure the name of site
and some separate phrases on the theme of site. So that examples in
the file are better to understand the essence. The cost of the roller
of this plan interests. Periods are not important.http: / / / projects / 73061.html

To dispose server under script

Customer: Chernov Yuri (yurgon) the category: Tuning server/ON, the
audio/videotapes the budget: 20 usd http:
// establish # GD Library 2
or higher # Mplayer + Mencoder # Flv2tool # Libogg + Libvorbis # LAME
MP3 Encoder although 4 them established, nothing it works!http: / / / projects / 73030.html

Monday, September 22, 2008

Insert of video during the addition of the goods

Customer: Ruslan Tomas (madleg) the category: Audio/Videotapes The
budget: ? There are inet-magazi necessary to make video- on-line for
the specific goods! to write to ***! Urgentlyhttp: / / / projects / 72600.html

It is necessary to revive pchelku

Customer: Kostylev Aleksey (Woltik) the category: Animation is the
budget: ? Regards, fleshery. It is necessary to revive pchelku, it
must blink, stir by whiskers, wink, natural to makhat' by wings + to
fly on the site, which now is done. Executor I will select after you
will show me khotyaby to vapor of motions, which will make pchelka.
Zhepeg of pchelki with the raskadrirovanymi motions in the archive.
There and PSD. write if you please stoymost' of work and periods.http: / / / projects / 72573.html

Production by video of the roller is required

Customer: "PROMO" LTD (promotion) the category: Audio/videotapes,
Mul'timedia of presentation the budget: ? Is required production by
video of roller on the technical task and using the materials given.
This task - test for prof.prigodnost'.Uspeshnyy
ispolnitel'(ispolniteli) poluchyat constant orders on this thematics.
Materialy sdes': http: // send first 10 seconds of
your work + a constant work to the advertising studio. Conqueror will
obtain e0$ and guaranteed order for 7 rollers. We leave after itself
the right to select more than one candidate. So in e -maile send the
real budget of your work. Example: Roller- task into attache. e -mail
icq reference to other works on youtube the price of the production of
valuable roller 30 seconds - y00$.http: / / / projects / 72568.html

Sunday, September 21, 2008

It is necessary to create Flesch mul't on the scenario of the anecdote

Customer: Nikolai Vladimirovich (NicUkr) the category: Animation,
Sonification Is The budget: 40 USD Flesh of mul't on the scenario of
anecdote + sonification. Details with the correspondence.http: / / / projects / 72456.html

Friday, September 19, 2008

It is necessary to create the videotape

Customer: Gesha (Geptil6) the category: Audio/Video- rollers The
budget: ? It is necessary to create vidoyerolik for the advertisement
of the concert 10 s, avi 220kh2ya0, without the compression, for the
light-emitting diode screen. On the basis of poster, it I give in the
layers, the main thing so that would come out solid, since concert -
classical. Please to indicate sum for which you they are ready to

Animation to the song

Customer: Alekandr (Alexandre777) the category: Animation is the
budget: 900 usd it is necessary to make an animation to the song. 3
minutes. Beautiful, lyric song, is necessary beautiful animation.
Price of a question of 900$. We discuss subject. Request without
portfolio not to write and even not to think throw proposals here.